A new photographic exhibition is to provide a glimpse at how people of Hull have spent their leisure time over the years.
The exhibition, called Having Fun, will pull together photographs from collections at the Hull History Centre.
It touches on participating in sports, enjoying the city’s parks to visiting seasonal attractions such as Hull Fair.
The exhibition will run at the Hull History Centre from Tuesday 16 July to Friday 30 August.
Archivist and librarian Laura Wilson, who curated the exhibition, said: “I thought it would be interesting to see how people in Hull have spent their leisure time over the years.

A sack race at the Needler’s sports day in 1925.
“Leisure is an important factor in the promotion of a healthy and balanced lifestyle and taking part in recreational activities has been found to improve both physical and mental wellness and can enhance our quality of life.
“Opting solely for photographs I hope to provide a really engaging and visual social history of leisure in our city enabling visitors to draw comparisons with their own leisure activities of today.
“We hope that these photographs will invoke memories and help you to reflect upon your own leisure activities, perhaps even inspiring you to try something new.”
Read more here.