Hull City Council has prosecuted 12 residents for environmental crimes across the city.
Enforcement action was taken against the following people after they failed to manage their waste or clear up their land and property.
A&D Market in Beverley Road, Hull, was prosecuted and ordered to pay £1,240 for failing to comply with two statutory notices under Section 47 and 80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.
Dawn Cooper-Russell, of De La Pole Avenue, Hull, received a 12-month conditional discharge order and had to pay £185 after ignoring repeated notices served under Section 80 of Environmental Protection Act 1990.
Danny Taylor and Kelly King, of Buckingham Street, Hull, were both prosecuted and ordered to pay fines and costs of £295 each for failing to respond to a statutory notice served under Section 80 Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Waste dumped by Constantin Lupu in De La Pole Avenue. Hull.
Constantin Lupu, of Anlaby Road, Hull, was ordered to pay £901 under Section 110(2)(b) Environment Act 1995 for waste that was found fly-tipped in De La Pole Avenue, Hull.
Mihai Dumitru of Albion Grove, Carrington Street, Hull, was prosecuted and ordered to pay £358 under Section 2(1)(b) Refuse Disposal (Amenity) Act 1978 after he was caught fly-tipping on CCTV.
Dragos Dumitrescu, of Buckingham Street, Hull, was prosecuted under Section 87 Environmental Protection Act 1990 and ordered to pay £255 after he was caught littering in Hessle Road, Hull.
Gary Dunn, of Queens Road, Hull, was fined £180 under Section 87 Environmental Protection Act 1990 for littering in Priory Road, Hull.
Oliver Howlett, of Dane View, Dibsdane, Hull, was prosecuted and ordered to pay £535 for failing to pick up his dog mess. The fine was severed under Section 3 of the Dogs (Fouling of Land) Act 1996.
Karolis Atkociunas, of Pavillion Crescent, Hull, was prosecuted and ordered to pay £1,226 under Section 80 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990, for failing to clear up the condition of his property.
Luke Jamieson, of Manor Way, York was prosecuted and ordered to pay £280 for failing to produce the appropriate legal waste transfer documents when he was caught transporting scrap metal on CCTV. He was fined under Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

Waste dumped by Benjamin Puckering in a cemetery.
Benjamin Puckering, of Spring Bank West, Hull, was prosecuted and ordered to pay a total of £901 under Section 110(2)(b) Environment Act 1995 for waste that was found dumped in a cemetery on Chanterlands Avenue.
Councillor Anita Harrison, portfolio holder for waste management at Hull City Council, said: “Fly-tipping, littering and poor waste management are all forms of anti-social behaviour.
“By taking a tough stance on enforcement we can deter any potential offenders and we encourage members of the public not to shrink from reporting any perpetrators they see.
“We will prosecute and, when convicted, we will name and shame in the hope that we can put a stop to this kind of behaviour.”