Ennerdale Leisure Centre.
Ennerdale Leisure Centre.

Ennerdale Leisure Centre to undergo energy efficiency improvements

Works will begin this spring on energy efficiency improvements at Ennerdale Leisure Centre to help to safeguard its long-term future.

The centre will close to the public on Monday 19 May with works to be completed by contractor Esteem and subcontractor Hobson & Porter.

Access to all council-owned leisure facilities in the city, including the recently refurbished Albert Avenue Pools, as well as Woodford Leisure Centre and Beverley Road Baths, will remain available throughout the closure period.

Regular customers, clubs and visiting organisations currently using Ennerdale Leisure Centre are being contacted to make plans for their activity to be relocated.

The £750,000 of improvements are being funded by the Sport England’s Swimming Pool Support Fund and will increase Ennerdale Leisure Centre’s environmental performance and financial viability.

The regeneration will include upgrading the pool hall windows to highly efficient glazing and new pool covers, whilst wider works include a package of essential maintenance works including the repairs to the small pool to allow it to reopen to the public.

Complementing this, the council will commit funds through its capital budget to support planned preventative roof maintenance and the replacement of external doors.

All works will commence simultaneously to minimise customer disruption, with the centre expected to reopen in summer 2026.

Cllr Rob Pritchard, portfolio holder for culture and leisure at Hull City Council, said: “Ennerdale Leisure Centre is a much-loved facility in Hull, but its building fabric is approaching 40-years-old and needs regeneration.

“These works, funded by the Swimming Pool Support Fund, will complete the full regeneration of Ennerdale following system and internal works done in 2019 and ensure the centre is energy efficient in the long-term, demonstrating the council’s commitment to reducing its energy consumption.

“The council understands the frustrations surrounding Ennerdale that this closure will bring, however once completed, the centre will be fully operational once more for all of its users to enjoy, including use of the small pool.”

The outdoor cycle track will remain open to pre-booked club use during the closure, while pre-planned swimming lessons and a gala will still take place up until Sunday 18 May.

More information about the council’s leisure facilities is available here.

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