Waste recycling
Council employee sifting through Hull's waste.

Free bulky item collection in Hull

Did you know Hull residents can have their bulky waste items taken away for free?

If you live in Hull, you can claim one free bulky item collection for every property in each calendar year.

Hull is one of just 15 councils – of 326 across the country – that still provides this service at no cost.

And this popular provision is set to remain in the council’s budget for 2019/20.

From January to December 2018, the council collected 14,076 bulky items. The scheme, introduced in 2011, is one of a range of services provided by the council, and is why Hull is one of the top-performing unitary city councils in the country.

What this means for you

If you live in a property in the Hull boundary, you can request one free collection of up to five bulky items each year.

Additional collections requested within 12 months will be charged at £22 per collection for up to five items.

You can request for the following items to be collected free: Bed frames, tumble dryers, microwaves, mattresses, fridges, vacuum cleaners, wardrobes, freezers, sound systems, tables, ovens, video and DVD players, chairs, cookers, lawn mowers, televisions, bookcases, computers, sofas, headboards, bikes, cabinets, barbecues, washing, machines, carpets/underlay, dishwashers, toys and animal hutches.

Residents can also visit one of three household waste and recycling centres in Sutton Fields, Wiltshire Road and Burma Drive. These are open from 10am to 5pm every day other than Wednesday and Thursday.

To request a bulky item collection, call 01482 300 300, or email info@hullcc.gov.uk.

Two children play in the sand at a beach-themed activity day in a Hull Park.