Hull City Council has installed two new ‘bike ports’ in Jameson Street as part of repair works to fix damage in the area following the recent disorder in the city centre.
As part of its efforts to promote more sustainable and active forms of travel, the council has taken the opportunity to provide increased cycle parking provision in an area popular with shoppers and cyclists.
The bike port is an iconic piece of street furniture that provides parking for eight cycles – the equivalent of a single car parking space – delivering a strong message about the positive effects and space efficiency of cycling.
The racks are made from recyclable mild steel and have a durable nylon powder-coat finish that protects bike frames from scratching.
The curved shape provides secure, three-point locking for both a bike’s frame and both wheels and the design promotes green mobility.
Bike ports can also help assess demand for additional infrastructure.

“These colourful and eye-catching cycle racks will provide much-needed additional parking in an area of the city that is regularly frequented by cyclists,” said Councillor Mark Ieronimo, cabinet portfolio holder for transportation, roads and highways at Hull City Council.
“Ensuring that we invest in new infrastructure to support residents, and visitors, to make more sustainable and active travel choices forms part of the council’s wider commitment to developing safe and welcoming neighbourhoods and a healthier and fairer Hull.
“Enabling people to choose cycling will also help the city respond to the climate emergency.
“These are important priorities for the council and are set out in our community plan, which was developed in response to listening to our residents, businesses and communities.”