Green-fingered Hull City Council tenants are readying their gardens for the local authority’s annual garden competition.
The competition for council tenants has been tweaked to abide by social distancing rules while judging.
And with Covid-19 restricting many to homes and gardens, a bumper entry is expected.
This year, entrants will be invited to post pictures of their garden according to the category they are entering, on Hull City Council Housing’s Facebook page or Twitter feed.
Pictures can be emailed to and will be posted online.
All entries will be filmed with footage transferred to memory sticks which will be given to the judges for them to score each garden.

Competition rules have been tweaked this year.
This popular competition has categories for the best garden, best communal garden, best vegetable garden and best eco-garden across the city.
Entrants must be a Hull City Council tenant. Entries must be submitted using the official entry form, which can be completed online via the council’s website, or downloaded from the Facebook and Twitter pages. Forms can also by requested by emailing
Cllr John Black, Hull City Council’s portfolio holder for housing, said: “Gardening is one thing we can enjoy during the lockdown. As well as brightening up the neighbourhood, getting out in the garden is good for you, for your daily exercise and as a stress buster.
“Don’t forget to send in your pictures about how you are making the most of your garden.”