A group of children with pool noodles playing in an outdoor pool in the sun
Pupils from St Thomas More Catholic School enjoyed the first outdoor lesson in over 30 years

Primary pupils make a splash at Hull’s first outdoor swimming lesson in decades

Twenty-eight lucky pupils from St Thomas More Catholic School have enjoyed Hull’s first outdoor swimming lesson in more than 30 years.

The school was one of the winners from last year’s hook-a-duck competition which celebrated the reopening of Albert Avenue Pools & Fitness, which included its heated outdoor lido.

For the competition, pupils were tasked with demonstrating their artistic flair by submitting water safety related drawings that were then emblazoned onto large rubber ducks.

The winning entries were chosen by council dignitaries from lido hook-a-duck style and are now on display at Albert Avenue Pools & Fitness.

St Thomas More was one of those winners and 28 pupils visited the site for an outdoor swimming lesson and fun session yesterday (Monday 8 July).

Councillor Rob Pritchard, portfolio holder for culture and leisure said:

“It’s been good to celebrate this momentous occasion here at Albert Ave. These children can look back and say ‘I was part of the first outdoor swim lesson in Hull in almost 40 years!’.

“For some young people, this could be their first opportunity to get in an outdoor pool, as well as have a swimming lesson, and I’m so happy they’ve enjoyed themselves.

“Albert Avenue Pools and Fitness is a great facility and has proved incredibly popular in its first few months of opening, long may it continue.”

Joe Booth, business development director for Hobson & Porter said:

“It’s amazing to see these competition winners enjoying their prize and on such a glorious day.

“It’s not often we get to come back and see our work fully operational – especially one as unique as this so we’re so pleased to have had the opportunity.”

Albert Avenue Pools & Fitness underwent extensive refurbishment over an 18-month period, including the construction of the heated outdoor lido.

There is also a large new gym and fitness studio, as well as the refurbishment and redecoration of the whole building, the replacement of all the mechanical and electrical systems, plus new heating and ventilation systems.

The project was delivered by Hull Esteem Consortium LEP, the council’s pre-procured framework, with work undertaken by local contractors Hobson and Porter.

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