A man was fined £400 for fly-tipping in Alexandra Road after Hull City Council’s mobile CCTV camera caught him in the act.
He was one of two offenders caught fly-tipping over the last few months.
The local authority uses mobile CCTV cameras to catch people dumping waste in known fly-tipping hot spots across the city.
A woman was also fined £400 after fly-tipping her household waste in Hull.
She was identified after a local resident contacted Hull City Council to report the fly-tip that had been dumped in Sharp Street.
The enforcement officers sorted through the fly-tip which included an old mattress amongst other household waste, and found evidence which linked her to the crime.
Councillor Anita Harrison, portfolio holder for waste management, said: “I’d like to thank residents for reporting fly-tipping, which led to our officer investigating, sorting through bags and identifying the culprit in Sharp Street.
“Fly-tipping your waste is an incredibly selfish thing to do. Not only is it unfair on other residents, but it is extremely harmful to the environment and causes unnecessary cost to the council to clean it up.
“This action shows that the council will continue to take a tough line on fly-tipping and investigate all reports with a view of taking enforcement action against those responsible.”
The council launched a city-wide fly-tipping campaign last month to remind people of how to dispose of their waste.
The campaign also focuses on reminding people not to engage with rogue waste removers via social media, who offer often very cheap waste services before illegally dumping it in the city.

A campaign has been launched to crackdown on fly-tippers.
To ensure waste is not fly-tipped, residents should follow these guidelines:
- Dispose and recycle household waste through regular kerbside collections
- To dispose of unwanted bulky household items, call 01482 300300 or visit hull.gov.uk
- All household waste and recycling sites remain open but only essential visits should be made and social distancing rules should be followed. Find more information at hull.gov.uk/bins-and-recycling/recycling/household-waste-recycling-centres
- If you use a contractor, always ask to see a waste carrier’s licence and check them out with the Environment Agency by calling 08708 506506 or visiting https://environment.data.gov.uk/public-register/view/search-waste-carriers-brokers
- Don’t pay cash and always ask for a receipt – if prices seems too good to be true, they probably are. If waste is subsequently found fly-tipped, the resident could be fined or face prosecution
Report fly-tipping by calling 01482 300300 or visiting the Hull City Council website, or visit the council’s Caught On Camera webpage to identify those caught illegally dumping waste.