a woman and a toddler sit on blankets on the ground at a summer community event. The woman is showing the toddler handheld instruments with bells on.

Inequalities report set for Health and Wellbeing Board launch

A report examining health inequalities in Hull will launch at the March Health and Wellbeing Board. Director of Public Health (DPH), Julia Weldon, has focussed on progress made and how to work together to ensure a fairer future in her annual report for 2022; Where are we now? Building our Healthy Future.

Julia said: “This report is a follow-up to my first as DPH in Hull almost a decade ago; A Time for Change – Working Together for a More Equal and Healthier Hull. I wanted to take the opportunity to reflect on our achievements, ways local partners have worked together to drive effective change, but also look at what still needs to be done.

“A huge amount has changed over the past 10 years. Hull has seen huge investment in infrastructure, we celebrated our City of Culture year, but we are also shouldering the impact of a pandemic, followed by a cost of living crisis.

“Presenting the report at the Health and Wellbeing Board will be a chance for all of us to reflect, look forward and ask questions. The partners who attend the board have been an integral part of the work we talk about in the report, so I am sure it will prove a productive forum for discussion.  

“The report is about setting out the essential building blocks for a healthy life; stable jobs, education, good pay and good quality housing. In addition to reflecting on what has been done, it is our commitment as a public health team, and mine as DPH to continue working for a fairer city.

“We are collectively committed to tackling inequalities as a core priority and will use the opportunities, relationships and resources we have to create real and sustainable action to create the foundations for good health through sustained, systematic and collective action”.

Media are invited to the launch on Wednesday March 8, 2pm-5pm, Conference Room 1, Guildhall. Meeting papers can be accessed here: https://cmis.hullcc.gov.uk/cmis/CalendarofMeetings/tabid/70/ctl/ViewMeetingPublic/mid/397/Meeting/9879/Committee/33/SelectedTab/Documents/Default.aspx

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