Families to gather a year on from start of funeral home investigation

Families and loved ones who have been supported during an investigation into a funeral home will gather tonight at Hull Minster.

The invite-only service will take place a year to the day since enquiries started.

Relatives and friends have received support from a number of organisations, who are continuing their work on a daily basis.

The Deputy Chief Constable of Humberside Police, Dave Marshall, said: “Exactly one year ago, the lives of hundreds of people across our communities changed forever.

“Whilst thoughts from all officers and staff at Humberside Police and our deepest sympathies remain with them today, we cannot begin to imagine the emotional devastation and anguish many have suffered and continue to do so.

“The memorial service is a time for those families directly affected to come together with others who have shared experience, and be able to reflect and remember their loved ones in a safe space and environment.”

The Police and Crime Commissioner for the Humberside force area, Jonathan Evison, said: “My love and thoughts are with those affected by this investigation.

“Anniversaries are difficult times and I hope people find peace and reassurance from this evening’s service as we recognise your loss and grief collectively.

“My heart goes out to you all.

“Please know that I stand alongside partner agencies such as the force, local authorities and our commissioned provider Victim Support to ensure that we recognise your loss.

“My thanks are extended to the force, who continue to work tirelessly to get justice for these families as well as all those involved in supporting the families impacted by this.”

Julia Butcher, Area Manager for Victim Support Humberside, said: “Anniversaries can be extremely difficult for anyone who has been bereaved.

“The circumstances surrounding the incident are unimaginable, so this is likely to be an especially hard time for those affected. 

“Everyone reacts differently to trauma and grief and there is no right or wrong way to feel or behave. 

“If you have been impacted and want to talk, our helpline is available twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week.

“No matter how you’re feeling – angry, sad or overwhelmed – we’re on hand to offer help, support and guidance.”

The Leader of Hull City Council, Councillor Mike Ross, said: “A year on from this incident emerging, this continues to be a difficult time for those involved, and we are continuing to provide support.

“I would like to pay tribute to the families and loved ones, who have displayed incredible dignity.

“In a close-knit city like ours, there will be many people connected to this situation, and our thoughts are with them on what may be a poignant day for them.”

The Leader of East Riding of Yorkshire Council, Councillor Anne Handley, added: “We know the feelings and emotions felt by our families and communities are still very raw since the details of the investigation started to become apparent.

“Our thoughts are with those attending the service this evening and those at home remembering their loved ones.  

“We hope the memorial service this evening and our joint plans for a lasting memorial, away from the scenes of the incident, will provide some comfort and peace to those affected and reassure them we are listening and still here to provide support.” 

Following the commitment by both councils to create lasting areas for remembrance, families have been asked for their thoughts on shaping designs for the permanent memorial gardens which will be built at the Northern Cemetery in Hull and Lelley Fields Crematorium near Preston in the East Riding (you can find out more here).

Members of the wider community can also have their say via a dedicated weblink, while a series of in-person events will take place in Hull and Beverley next month.

Once designed are finalised, the memorials are expected to be completed over the summer.

Victim Support continues to run a dedicated, independent helpline and support service for anyone affected by the incident.

Call 0808 281 1136 or find more information at https://humbersouthyorks.victimsupport.org.uk/help-and-support/legacy-independent-funeral-directors-investigation/

*Issued jointly by Humberside Police, the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner for Humberside, Victim Support, Hull City Council, and East Riding of Yorkshire Council.

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