Transport and travel in Hull is a hot topic and everyone has an opinion on it.
How you get from A to B is influenced by a number of things including peak travelling times, the quality of the road surface and public transport provision.
And as Hull City Council moves towards developing a more inclusive transport strategy which encourages a greener form of travel, we want to hear your views.
This is why the council is inviting you to share your thoughts as part of a new survey designed to understand the concerns, barriers and opportunities to improve transport in the city.
As part of the survey which launches today (Monday 5 July), the local authority wants to know about issues on local roads, how you travel, why you choose your preferred mode of transport, and what, if anything, would make you change the way that you travel.
The feedback will be used to help shape future strategies to improve all aspects of transport in Hull.

Have your say on transport in Hull.
Councillor Dean Kirk, portfolio holder for transportation, roads and highways, said: “The way in which we travel has changed. Transport habits during the pandemic saw a huge shift towards residents using cycling, walking and driving to get around the city. However our overall aim is for Hull to become carbon neutral by 2030, and to support these ambitious aims we must look at ways in which we can travel greener, minimise pollution and tackle congestion.
“We want people who live, visit and travel around the city to share their views on how we develop plans to implement a more sustainable and accessible transport system for everyone, and the feedback you provide in this survey is absolutely critical to this.”
The survey is the first of a series of consultations that will be issued over the next few months asking for the public’s opinion on transport plans in Hull.
The survey will run until Monday 16 August.
Access the survey on the Hull City Council website or email or text panel to 07795 563 000.