A school desk with books, an apple and stationery.
Parents have today been informed of secondary allocation for September 2025.

How Hull schools will operate following Government announcement

Hull schools will be open for vulnerable children and key worker children only, following the Government’s announcement that schools across the country will close to help prevent the spread of coronavirus.

The majority of pupils in the city will now move to remote learning. Schools will be in touch with their families to provide home learning – either via live lessons, on-line packages or home delivered packs.

The Department for Education has announced that it will deliver a second laptop scheme, providing laptops to families that don’t have access to one. There will be more details on this as soon as the details are known.

All pupils that normally receive free school meals will continue to receive food or vouchers via their child’s school.

Nurseries remain open for early years provision.

The Government has specified these measures will be in place until after the February half term, when the measures will be reviewed.

Councillor Peter Clark,  Hull City Council’s portfolio holder for learning, skills and safeguarding children said: “We are working in close partnership with our schools to achieve a city wide approach to keeping children safe, supporting their home learning and providing nutrition, whilst providing a safe environment within schools for key worker and vulnerable children.”

All Academy Trusts work together through the Hull Learning Partnership.

The Guildhall
Julia Weldon, Hull's Director of Public Health sits at her desk. She is wearing a red check jacket and has a serious expression