October is International Walk to School Month, when children all around the world celebrate the benefits of walking and wheeling to school.
In his first post for ‘The Step in the Right Direction Hull Blog’, Paul Schofield, a tour guide in the city for more than 30 years, talks to us about why Hull is ideal for walking to school.

This month, children and families across the city will walk to school, just as they always have done, but we are encouraging others to join them in celebration of International Walk to School Month.
Due to its flat landscape, Hull is ideal for walking to school, which, in turn, has loads of environmental benefits like helping to reduce carbon emissions and congestion and improving air quality.
It is these goals that have seen the Natural History Museum and Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, team up to invite families to snap photos of wildlife they see on the way to and from school or when out and about as part of a ‘street safari’.
The aim of the activity is to make streets across the country better for nature.
Children and their families are being asked to see how many animals, plants, or fungi they can spot on their way to school for a chance of winning a prize.
Our tree-lined streets, parks, open spaces, and waterways make Hull a perfect wildlife haven and walking is a great way to observe all the wonderful animals and plants that also call this city their home.

Remembering back to my own childhood and walking to school, I was fascinated by the bees and butterflies that were attracted to the plants and privet hedges in Bilton Grange. Then, on my way home from school, I would often mix up my journey by walking through Alderman Kneeshaw Park. Another of our city’s amazing open spaces.
Away from the school-run, there are several other little oases for wildlife in our city that can be seen and enjoyed on foot, including Hull Marina and the pier, which offers stunning vistas of the Humber and a chance to see all sorts of wading birds, unusual for an urban area.
Another personal favourite is the beautiful Museum Gardens, in Old Town, which attracts all kinds of wildlife.

In addition to seeing and supporting the natural world, choosing to walk, whether it be for school, for short journeys or for leisure, also offers other advantages, from finding interesting places to visit and learning more about your local area to improving fitness and wellbeing and saving money on travel costs.
To find out more about International Walk to School Month, including resources for schools, visit: International Walk to School Month | Living Streets
To take part in the street safari, visit the Natural History Museum Website at: Street Safari | Natural History Museum for more details on how to participate.
Until next time, happy walking!
Paul Schofield
Hull Tour Guide