North Bridge in Hull.
North Bridge, Hull.

Overnight closures for routine inspections on North Bridge

Routine inspection works will take place on North Bridge this month (April), to ensure its continued safety and reliability.

To allow the works to be carried out safely, overnight closures will be in place daily between midnight and 6am from Sunday 7 April to Friday 19 April.

A short, signed diversion route will be in place via Drypool Bridge.

Andy Burton, Assistant Director of Streetscene at Hull City Council, said: “While we recognise the inconvenience caused by these inspections, in order to mitigate we have limited them to overnight closures.

“We want to take this opportunity to thank everyone in advance for their patience and support.”

A Hull City Council worker seen from behind wearing a high-visibility jacket emblazoned with the "Love Your Neighbourhood" logo. In the background is a spring scene in a British street