Highways England is organising an archaeological dig next month to search for the remains of Hull’s old city walls. Picture: Anaya Katlego

New nominations sought for the Hull Local Heritage list

On world architecture day Hull City Council is asking residents to nominate their favourite non-designated building, park, garden, cemetery or archaeology site for the Hull Local Heritage List.

The current list includes well-known sites such as Albert Avenue’s Former Cottage baths and Argyle Street’s Sea Cadet’s HQ, to the more obscure like the historic lampposts at Trinity Burial Ground, which date back to early-mid 19th century.

The criteria to consider includes architectural and historic interest, townscape value and the significance of the site in Hull’s history. Other reasons can also be considered, examples of these are quality of design and materials and past uses.

Although the current list is highly populated with buildings, other heritage assets can also be considered, such as parks, gardens, cemeteries and below ground archaeology.

John Craig, Head of Planning, said:

“The local heritage list seeks to encourage people to nominate those locally important historic buildings and other heritage assets which they value most for inclusion in the local authority’s local list.

This will afford additional protection to such assets through deliberation as a material planning consideration.”

It’s important to note the difference between statutory list of buildings and the local list. The National Statutory List is decided by Secretary of State on the advice and guidance of Historic England, the local list is recognised by Hull City Council and buildings are not graded.

Buildings already on the list, statutory listed buildings, registered parks & gardens and scheduled monuments cannot be considered. To find out if a building is already locally listed or statutory listed, go to My Hull – My Maps: https://maps.hull.gov.uk/myhull.aspx.

Hull parks, gardens and archaeology already protected through other legislation include Pearson Park, East Park, Beverley Gate, Hull Citadel (southern half), Hull Castle and the South Blockhouse.

The selection criteria and nomination process for the list can be found on the council’s dedicated Local Buildings List | Hull City Council. All nominations must be made on the official nomination form and should be submitted by 8th January, 2022.

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